Page created May 17, 2006
Sitting date:  March 26, 2006


We return to the studio lights for some more fun.  I have in mind some simple figure studies, because Brooke has such a wonderful figure.  I just wanted to get more than one light onto Brooke.   



Yes, it must be a bit cool in the house -- that blanket follows Brooke everywhere.  Lucky blanket.

We start with a simple two-light setup, mostly because I'm tired of the single light source images we were making with the skylights & windows around the house.

(Maybe that's why I like the back stairs -- it has multiple windows -- multiple light sources). 




Okay, here's some tips for beginner photographers:  You've got a model, and she has removed her clothing -- what do you do next?
  • For me, I always start with the light.  What does the light look like and how does the model & her pose work with the light?
  • Then, especially if you are working with a less experienced model, what is the pose & shape?  You've got to encourage her to move.  If you are stuck at how to get some interesting & natural looking shapes, try this:  give the model something to do with her hands




Okay, I'm wrong -- this is a three light setup -- there's a third light directly behind Brooke, highlighting her hair.

This is nice light for Brooke -- it is soft, like a lover's caress.  Her feminine muscularity is just wonderful in this light. 







There's nothing wrong with an image of a breast in profile.  

Here's something for meditation:  Consider this picture that really doesn't show all Brooke's girly bits, yet it is very sexy.  A more explicit image just wouldn't have the same feel.  So, remember, "less is more". 


We prepare to lose the blanket. 







I think the skylights upstairs inspired me to try this "lit from above" setup.  I'm not sure I've ever gotten this right, but with Brooke here, I come closer than I usually do.  Over the years, I've tried this a few times, and I've refined my technique.  There's plenty to consider:
  • This time, I use a moderately sized soft box, creating a soft light.
  • I've asked Brooke to pose on the floor, which does a couple of things:  it maximizes the distance between the model & the light, and it allows some light to bounce off the floor to splash a little light back into the shadowy parts of the figure. 
  • It is critical to manage the position of the light carefully (not too close to the back wall, not too much in front of the model, etc.).

I like that you can barely make out the details of Brooke's face.








When using "light from above", it's often a good idea to ask the model to find some ways to tilt her head back so that the primary light can fall on her face. 

I hope you are enjoying these images as much as I am.


I don't know how to say this politely, so I'll just say it.  In general, and particularly with Brooke, I am not interested in making any sexually explicit or, umm, "gynecological" images.  Often, that means a limited selection of poses -- specifically, closed legs.

I like that this is an exception to that closed leg restriction.  This is one of those situations where her legs are apart, but you can't see anything that would cheapen the image.






It takes all the discipline I've got to ask Brooke to turn around & let me see her back.  Don't get me wrong -- I thought she looked fantastic in the images posted above, but part of what I try to do with each setup is to try all appropriate variations.  I know that I don't photograph model's backs very often, so I just try to check things out.

Brooke looks good from any angle.





I ask Brooke to turn around, and this time, she's raised up a little bit.  We then create this image, perhaps one of my all time favorites.  I like the lighting, Brooke's fabulous shape, and even that shadow along the top of the image.

With that, we move on to our last setup.




There's something going on that makes Brooke appear sexier than I remember, and I think it's her confidence.  It has made a big difference in her "presence".

So, if I think "sexy" and "Brooke", what should I do for our last setup?  Of course, I invite Brooke into the shower & plan on getting her wet. 

This sitting concludes with Brooke Comes Clean


(Remember -- feedback is always appreciated) 

All images (c) 2006 Looknsee Photography

Brooke #3 Out Takes

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