Page created September 27, 2007
Sitting date:  August 8, 2007


Back in 2002, when I was just getting started doing photography in my new Oregon home, I met Leona (remember her?).  Over the years, Leona & I worked together many times, but in that very first sitting, we made some pictures on my dining room table.  See?

Leona, on the dining room table, in 2002

I thought Leona was incredibly sexy in general, but she was especially sexy here.  I thought I'd see how Inna looked in the same spot.






It's strange to look at a five year old photo side-by-side with a two month old photo.  What a difference!  The image of Leona is film based, and the image of Inna is digital.  Also, I've adopted adding the warm toning to my images nowadays.  Lately, I've embraced more wide angle images -- like this one:  I use my zoom lens to move in close or out wide at will.  Finally, I think I'm quite a bit better at editing digital or scanned images.

This is natural light with room lights.  Afternoon sunlight is bouncing off that neighbor building, not 10 feet away from the three large windows off the left side of the image, and the ceiling lights (including that chandelier) gives Inna some nice highlights, especially in her hair.



Nice light!  

That's a core value of my "process":  I first look for nice light, I imagine naked women in that nice light, I find a naked woman willing to be in that nice light, and finally, I make photographs.  

Living in this house is terrific.  It is interesting, however, that the pockets of nice light are seasonal.  This dining room gets this nice light only on clear, late summer afternoons.  You've got to be observant, and you've got to remember. 






Remember:  Inna was interested in some images that were a little more erotically sensuous than the typical fine art fare.  I can't claim to be an expert in the genre, but here's some of the elements I was trying:  a real environment, an open (wide knees) pose, the enticing position of Inna's right hand, and most of all, the almost predatory look on Inna's face.  This image does it for me.





Okay, it's time to talk about the elephant in the room:  Inna has lovely, large breasts, and to date, my typical model is less endowed than Inna.  This is just coincidence & not indicative of a personal choice.  I just like breasts to be natural, regardless of size -- artificially enhanced breasts just don't appeal to me.



Anyhow, it is both a treat & a challenge for me to work with a woman with such nice & large breasts.  I'm finding that some poses work really well; similarly, some lighting schemes also enhance the visuals.  

While we are all staring at Inna's breasts, take a moment to appreciate her clear skin.  I am particularly gratified that these images achieve good skin tones. 

Now, drag your eyes away from Inna for a moment.  I really like that art on the back wall behind Inna -- it's a collage of feathers & shells.  But in this context, it is distracting, especially the glare coming off the glass.  That's easily remedied... 


See the difference?  That collage wasn't contributing anything but a distraction -- now we can appreciate Inna's beauty more.  I'm particularly happy with the light -- look how the highlights at the top of her hair pops, and I'm particularly pleased with the gentle shadows all across her figure.

I've got to admit that I am distracted by the tiny little splash of light past the archway over Inna's left shoulder -- that's a light on in the kitchen.  I should have shut that light off.  Yes, I could have photo edited that light out, but I decided to leave it in there, as a reminder to myself that I've got to take responsibility for every single blessed pixel in all my images.  






This happens every once in a while:  Inna has been rolling around on my dining room table for a while, and I think she's running out of ideas about how to show me something new & interesting.  On the other hand, I'm still interested & captivated.  Just removing that collage made everything new to me.  And the light is still yummy.

What to do in situations like this?  Well, if you are the photographer, you need to give the model continuous feedback on what you are seeing & what you are liking, and you have to be prepared to give the model more direction, suggesting specific poses.

Just look at that face, those eyes!  I love the messed up hair. 




So, I suggest that we take a look at how things look when Inna is on her back.  For some reason, I didn't like these, so we got Inna up once again.  Now, with the sun going down & with the collage off the wall, we made some of the best dining room images. 









The super-observant folks visiting here will have noticed that in the background of the Leona image is a table lamp that matches the light fixture above the dining room table -- that light isn't present in the dining room images of Inna.  That's because it was set up here, in the "Close Canyon" area of the back stairs.  I like to plan out a handful of concepts, and to the extent possible, I set up those areas before the model arrives -- that saves time.  So, in this case, I put that lamp on a little side table, nestled in the little blank space at the back of the house.  (The back stairs start behind that left wall, goes up four steps, turns & goes up four more steps behind that back wall, turns again & goes up 9 steps behind that right wall).

This is such a strange setup for a strange little space -- I like it.  I'm using the light from the lamp as the primary light, and I like how this image looks.  We make a few more exposures. 





But we didn't stay in the "Close Canyon" very long.  I don't exactly remember why -- the images made here were very nice, but we moved on.  We briefly worked upstairs under the skylights, but I didn't like those images.  We both knew that we wanted to finish our sitting in the shower, so perhaps we were just running out of time.  We moved on to the steam room & eventually got wet.

This sitting concludes with Inna Comes Clean.


(Remember -- feedback is always appreciated) 

All images (c) 2007 Looknsee Photography

Inna's First Sitting Out Takes

Over 100 more images from this sitting are available in the Out Takes Galleries, which are available to those who have made a donation to the upkeep of this web site.  See this FAQ question for more details.

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