Page posted June 19, 2005
Sitting date:  May 11, 2005  


That's Arcanite on the left & Lexi on the right.  These two lovely ladies come by for a little erotic posing, with a twinge of fetish. 


Nearly all of the time, I (attempt to) produce what I'd call "Fine Art" photography, but on occasion, I have an interest to dabble into more erotic themes.  As is my wont in these cases, nearly all of these images will be displayed in the "Secret Galleries" -- presented here are some of the more "tame" images, intended as a preview.


This sitting was also my second sitting with the digital camera, and I used it exclusively.  I'm still learning how to use it.

An interesting note -- Lexi is holding my first camera, a Nikon S rangefinder, which is a bit older than I am.  It is a terrific 35mm camera with a wonderfully sharp lens. 




We did work in a variety of setups with a varying amount of fetish accessories.  The models took turns being the more dominant character.


I've wanted to do some erotic images with this "dog's eye view" setup, and we did.


We also did some work in the steam room.   


Many, many more photos from this sitting are available in the Secret Galleries.



All images (c) 2005 Looknsee Photography

Lexi & Arcanite -- More In The Secret Galleries

Over 130 more images from this sitting are available in the Secret Galleries.  These galleries are available to those who have made a donation to the upkeep of this web site.  

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