Page created April 2, 2004

I don't make many images featuring models' backs.  I really like backs, but typically during a sitting, we are talking quite a bit, and it's hard to talk with someone whose back is towards you.  Here's another tip for anyone wanting to photograph people, whether it's fine art nudes or portraits:  I hate pictures of people with empty, blank stares on their faces; the best way to avoid that is to engage the model's brain through conversation.  

This time was an exception -- Lydia & I had worked together often enough to reach that point where we are comfortable with each other without conversation, and our moods were introspective.  We worked quietly; Lydia required minimal direction, and as a result, we made some of the best back pictures I've ever made. 

Technical note:  There is a hair light in these pictures -- a lamp behind the model pointed back towards the camera position; Lydia's body hides the light from the camera.  Enjoy.






You've probably noticed that I've applied a sepia-like toning to these images.  Actually, this toning was applied electronically using Jasc's Paint Shop Pro ("colorize"; hue 23; saturation 75).  Here is an example of a "before" & "after" image.  What do you think?  Are the images improved with the toning?


 (Without the "sepia toning")


 (With the "sepia toning")






Below are two images that are favorites from this sitting:





Here is the color digital proof exposure I did before we made the black & white image directly above.  It's interesting to look at.

I'm still a big, big believer in the power (and yes, superiority) of B&W photography over color photography.  Yes, the digital camera has lots of uses, including proofing the lighting, as I do here, but to me, the color image doesn't have the impact of the B&W one.

This is a great example of the contribution of that hair light, positioned behind Lydia.  For most of these back images, Lydia posed with her eyes tightly closed.

What do you think?




Moving on...








I love the look of Lydia's waist in this picture, above.


Once again, Lydia was a pure joy to work with, and I'm very glad that we eventually dropped the fetish poses and included some of these artistic pictures of Lydia's back.  Don't get me wrong -- I enjoy the fetish images that she & I have made together, and I hope we'll do more in the future, but I'm really, really happy with the images you see here on this page, too.


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