Page created December 31, 2005
Sitting date:  November 19, 2005


I've heard about & have known "territorial" photographers -- you know, guys who keep their locations & models secret.  Fortunately, we don't have that much around here -- we try to build a little artistic community here, and this is a case in point.  Natalia was in town visiting family & was acquainted with a local photographer.  She mentioned that she was interested in picking up a little modeling while in town, and he suggested me.  A few quick e-mail exchanges, and we set up this sitting. 

It never hurts to be generous -- that's my credo.



The mid-November weather was somewhat cool, and Natalia is from a warmer part of the country.  I am considerate of my models; I turn up the heat before each sitting, and I have a little space heater standing by.  Still, for Natalia, I couldn't make the house warm enough.  This was a recurring theme. 




This is about 10 minutes after we met face to face, and this is how she showed up at my door.  I have to giggle -- I think she showed up prepared for a game of strip poker.  She was wearing boots, socks, leg warmers, jeans, belt, jacket, scarf, gloves, hat, shirt, undershirt, and underwear.

Yet, this wasn't a random collection of clothing -- it all worked together & showed a sophisticated sense of style.

Something I love doing, especially with new-to-me models, is to start photographing them as they appeared at my door and ask them to remove their clothing.  I've turned up the heat, and Natalia shows me her lovely figure.







I love these "getting started" setups partially because it builds my anticipation.

An early impression of Natalia -- she moves with great grace, and she is unconscious about her terrific gestures.  I particularly like the shape of her left hand.

Also impressive is her quiet confidence.










Natalia is young & looks even younger, yet she has that  quiet confidence that is rare even for more experienced models.










I am immediately very impressed with Natalia.  She arrived clothed in a casual & funky & artistic style.  She moves with grace & confidence, and she never stops moving.  She is easy to be around, and with the exception of not being warm enough, she is quite comfortable posing.  Bonus:  she looks great.  I am having a wonderful time already.  

With her clothing removed, she has revealed her smooth, clear, and glowing skin.  We make some figure studies.

This sitting continues with Glowing Skin


(Remember -- feedback is always appreciated) 

All images (c) 2006 Looknsee Photography

Natalia, First Sitting Out Takes

Over 120 more images from this sitting are available in the Out Takes Galleries.  These galleries are available to those who have made a donation to the upkeep of this web site.  See this FAQ question for more details.

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