Page created April 24, 2006
Sitting date:  March 20, 2006


We move into the living room.  Usually, I cover the windows, move the furniture out of the room, and set up studio lighting.  This time, I do none of these things.  The big comfy chair by the window is a favorite of mine and of visitors.  We use that.




At this time, I had recently finished the sixth sitting with Kira, and I liked the images we made with Kira wearing her jeans.  I ask Yulia to put on her jeans & sprawl on the big comfy chair in the most unladylike manner that she can. 





Okay, the light pouring into the window is a little too much, causing a bit of glare.  So, we move the chair around, just a little bit, and I move to the side so that the camera isn't pointed towards the windows.

I'm enjoying photographing models in their jeans.  Somehow, they seem more relaxed, and no one has to be concerned about showing anything inappropriate.  So, I encourage Yulia to continue sprawling & moving around in a casual, unladylike manner.  As a result, many of these pictures are more "portrait" than "fine art".  Here you'll get a glimpse of the real Yulia. 









It's only fair -- if I am going to stray from my comfort zone (using studio lighting & photographic backdrops), why not make Yulia do the same thing.  I don't think I've ever seen Yulia pose like this.






So, embracing the unusual, I ask Yulia to give me her best "evil princess" look.  Then, embracing the wide angle distortion, I carefully position her hand, just so.  

This is fun; we do this for a little while.  I guess I'm just a big fan of big hand pictures.

(Just between you & me, I don't think Yulia has it inside her to pull of any kind of "evil" look, but it's fun to try.)










Okay, I was wrong.  That's a pretty darn good "evil princess" look.



This one looks like a "Is that a spy camera hidden in the clock?" type image. 



This one looks like a "Yulia, In your face!" type image. 


Yulia's forte is fine art figure modeling, and that's not surprising with such a fine figure.  She works hard, she works a lot, and she travels a lot; I've seen lots of pictures of Yulia, using lots of different styles by lots of different talented photographers.

This image, however, is one of the more sexy images she's done.  I think it was her idea to lower her jeans a little, and that is certainly an enticing look on her face.











So, if I'm using natural indoor light, which is typically low light, I may want to see what happens if we use a long exposure time.  Blurred movement can be nice.

But I don't make that many blurred exposures.  Not this time.  Blurred exposures are easier with the film camera -- when I press the film camera's shutter release, the exposure is made.  When I press the shutter release on the digital camera, the camera thinks about it for a beat before making the exposure.  I guess that I need the film camera's precision for blurred pictures.


A few more sexy pictures before moving on.










Heretofore, Yulia & I made fine art nude photographs, but somehow during this sitting, and this particular setup, I get more of a sense of the person.  I couldn't tell you why that is, but I feel that we are connecting more than before.

A large part of that may be because this image wasn't as planned as a typical sitting.  We are just being together, looking for good light, and playing together.  There were no expectations.  This is just what happens when she & I got together this time.






I hope you've enjoyed visiting with Yulia as much as I did.  

This was an unusual sitting -- at the time of this sitting, I hadn't yet processed the previous sitting, and because of the party the night before, I hadn't even had anything planned for this sitting.  Yet, I think this is the best sitting Yulia & I had together.  We made some unusual pictures -- I love the hair pulling & the evil princess pictures, and there were lots of others that were fun, too. 


(Remember -- feedback is always appreciated) 

All images (c) 2006 Looknsee Photography

Yulia #3 Out Takes

Over 100 more images from this sitting are available in the Out Takes Galleries, which are available to those who have made a donation to the upkeep of this web site.  See this FAQ question for more details.

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