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Page created October 16, 2009
Sitting date:  May 8, 2009


Noname Jane is a force of nature.  Although this is our second session together, we only worked for an hour the first time, and for this session, we can only schedule two hours.  (My normal session is about three hours).

I should note right away that Jane was going to leave from this session to do some modeling for a 1950s concept -- hence the old timey hairdo.

It is a sunny day, with my favorite patch of sunlight by my favorite window.  I ask Noname Jane to stand over there, and we chat -- during our chat, she removes her clothes.  What a trip! 


Noname Jane is irrepressible.  I've only worked with her twice and have visited with her one additional time; she is always enthusiastic & energetic & uninhibited.  In fact, I don't think I've ever met anyone who enjoys being photographed more.  







In the "paint brush effect" image, above -- doesn't Noname Jane's shadow look like dark wings? 




Someday, I'm going to have to record what is said during these photo sessions (with the model's permission, of course).  As I am editing these pages & seeing Noname Jane remove her clothing, I can't remember what was said.  What did I say to inspire Jane to remove her clothing?

What I probably said was something like "Please start removing your clothing".  As alluring as the images are, the reality is probably surprisingly mundane & boring.  

I've fantasized about writing a three act play, each act being a nude photo session, and as the "photographer" snaps the shutter release, the resulting image would be projected onto an overhead screen.  For some experienced models, posing nude is no big thing; they are comfortable & confident nude.  For others, posing nude is a big thing, and as their clothes come off, they open up & share their innermost secrets.  It could be interesting.




During the months with long days, the sunlight kind of puddles on the floor below the window.  In the winter months, the sunlight can reach clear across the room (on those rare sunny days in the Pacific Northwest).  

I just love the light from this window, regardless of the season or the time of day.  My trick -- keep the camera low, and keep the camera pointed parallel to the floor (to minimize distortion).

Interesting things happen in this light.  For example, look at Noname Jane's shadow on the wall -- isn't that just a perfect shape?

(And yes, I should edit out the plug on the wall under the window, but I can never get that right.)







I mostly like working with experienced models -- I like that they are so confident and that they tend to move with an unconscious grace.  Noname Jane is no exception.



To you viewers:  yes, I'm still playing around with the various artistic effects that are available in my photo editing software.  Although there are tons of effects available, there are two that are my favorites.  Here are some examples.














Noname Jane is very easy to be around.



Now that we've gotten Noname Jane's clothes on the floor, it's time to work in that little patch of sunlight.  I'm really proud of the images on the next page.

Nude In The Sun


(Remember -- feedback is always appreciated) 

All images (c) 2009 Looknsee Photography

Noname Jane, Second Visit Out Takes

Over 90 more images from this sitting are available in the Out Takes Galleries, which are available to those who have made a donation to the upkeep of this web site.  See this FAQ question for more details.