Big Comfy Chair Start

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Page created  January 28, 2013
Sitting date:  October 20, 2012


I have a generic piece of advice I offer to all models & photographers:  Assume that everyone you meet in this industry will in turn talk with everyone else in the industry.  I've found it very easy to exceed model's expectations, especially where it comes to treating them with respect.  Sure, we don't always agree, and I do turn down offers on occasion, but that doesn't mean I can't be courteous at all times.  That often pays off.  Case in point... 

This is Trishii, a traveling model from New York.  I was interested in working with her, but her trip happened at a time when I couldn't afford to pay her.  Nonetheless, I got an urgent call from her -- her lodging plans had fallen through, and she got my name & number from another traveling model, one I have worked with several times.  Trishii offered to pose for me in exchange for lodging, and I agreed.




Frequent visitors to this site know that I like to start a sitting with the "Getting Started" concept, where the model starts wearing street clothes, and I photographer her as she removes them.  Trishii & I didn't discuss this (my fault).  She shows up wearing a lovely new-to-her robe, and I'm happy to start with the intimate informality of the "real" corner of my living room, where the big comfy chair normally resides.

Lately, I've liked adding the little desk lamp in the back, to separate the background (and give it a nice warm glow), but the rest is all natural window light.  If I didn't know this, I would have guessed that this was artificially lit because of how the light seems to center on Trishii's lovely face, but it's all natural.

Trishii is one attractive model, isn't she?  Some variations of this image is below.




As I work, I like to engage the model's brain -- with conversation.  Trishii mentioned that most of the images made by her are not exactly the kind that she can give her mother.  

I gave her a print of this one, for her mother.  (I don't know if Trishii gave her mother the picture; but I would like to think so).

This picture is a bit of a crop of a larger image.  A bigger version is below.  Which do you prefer?  (I prefer this one on the right).




I guess I've gotten spoiled by studio lights.  Strobes provide the same exposure setting each time, but here, in the Pacific Northwest, the light is constantly changing.  While each change produces lovely images, it's difficult for me to keep the camera's settings up -- seems like as soon as I make an adjustment, the light changes again.

Although I'm liking these images, I abandon this setting pretty quickly.  We move to the back steps.



Cool Back Stairs Light


(Remember -- feedback is always appreciated) 

All images (c) 2013 Looknsee Photography

Trishii, First Visit Out Takes

Roughly 90 more images from this sitting are available in the Out Takes Galleries, which are available to those who have made a donation to the upkeep of this web site.  See this FAQ question for more details.