Page created December 4, 2005
Sitting date:  October 24, 2005

Last summer, Betcee packed up her car & left her home behind; she undertook a road trip of indefinite length.  When she stopped in town at the beginning of this trip, I invited her to the all day photo orgy with Jessica, which turned out to be a highlight for the year.  Afterwards, she continued her trip, and months into it, she decided to move to a small town an hour outside of Los Angles.  Now, months later, she stops by for a sitting on her way to her new home. 
Additional images from this sitting are available in the Out Take Galleries.  (You will need a username & password to access the Out Takes Galleries -- see this FAQ question for more information). 

I feel quite privileged -- this sitting is the only one Betcee arranged during her stay in town. 










We started as soon as Betcee woke up & Jessica arrived, and we didn't stop until hunger drove us to a late dinner.  Too much fun! 


(Remember -- feedback is always appreciated) 

All images (c) 2005 Looknsee Photography

Betcee Third Visit Out Takes

Over 100 more images from this sitting are available in the Out Takes Galleries.  These galleries are available to those who have made a donation to the upkeep of this web site.  See this FAQ question for more details.

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