Page created September 22, 2006
Sitting date:  August 15, 2006

I love third sittings with good models!  During the first sitting, you are just getting acquainted.  During the second sitting, you are using generic concepts -- ideas that can be done by any number of models.  But during the third sitting, you start to develop ideas that have been inspired by that model.  Natalia & I enjoy one of my best sittings ever! 
Additional images from this sitting are available in the Out Take Galleries.  (You will need a username & password to access the Out Takes Galleries -- see this FAQ question for more information). 








I don't get to see Natalia often -- she is a traveling model.  A challenge when working with infrequent visitors is continuity:  it's sometimes difficult to build upon previous experiences if too much time passes between sittings.  However, this sitting was terrific fun.  For much of the time, we "winged it", but we created some different & original concepts & some lovely pictures. 


(Remember -- feedback is always appreciated) 

All images (c) 2006 Looknsee Photography

Natalia #3 Out Takes

Over 100 more images from this sitting are available in the Out Takes Galleries, which are available to those who have made a donation to the upkeep of this web site.  See this FAQ question for more details.

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